I'm selling these cute little halloween cross stitched witches- straight off this blog. See how to order below
Pick what you want your cutest littlest witch to look like?
Here's how it works-
copy paste the following with your answers & send them to elsabags@gmail.com
1) pick a hair color [pink- purple- blue- green- red]- see hues below _______________________________
2) pick the tights color [pink- purple- blue- green- red] same hues as hair ___________________________
3) pick the eye color [brown- blue- green] _______________________________________________
4) tell me if you want a jack-o-lantern face or no face ___________________________________
5) pick a belt or a bow to go around her waist _________________________________________
6) tell if you want stripes on her tights [I will use black thread- tell me if you want another color] ________
7) pick the silver or gold sparkly back ground fabric [belt or bow & cat collar will coordinate] _____
8) tell me if you want a vintage frame for $3 more [i'll send you a photo of what I have] _____________
9) leave your paypal address & I'll send you a bill for $20 [add $3 shipping if not local - locals can pick up] ________________________
10) get your little witch in 1 week!
witches hair #892- tights lime
witches hair #3833- tights lime
I've added one square stitch on the legs to make them a
little longer for the stripes to show up better
silver fabric- witches hair #209- tights lime- stripes #905- eyes #905- silver belt
Pinks #956 #957 #3833 #892
Purple #208 #209 #210 #153 #718
Blue #3844 #3846 #747 #517 #324
* witch is 2 1/2 inches tall
* full cross stitch is 3 * 4 inches