
▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼ НЕАℛTS▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼

So I've been wondering how to make symbols while typing on my computer for a while now, especially the ♥ symbol. I did some research and hot damn... there are so many great symbols available. Did you know you could do ☂ and ♘ and ★ and ☎ and ♳ and ㊴. Really the list goes on…


-Go to Edit on the top of your computer- go down to the bottom & click onto special characters & whala! Tons of super great symbols to choose from. ⧼for a short cut- hold down- alt, command, T⧽

I have a MAC so I'm not entirely sure if this works the same on a PC. I don't know anyone who uses one. I've converted most of my family over to the MAC.

Thanks to The Ohana Mama blog for making it the most clear.


scuz said...

a-ha❢ cuteness thanks nicole, what a ☼ idea✈

michele said...

☞I can't get enough! ☏Thanks for discovering this....I feel like a kid in a symbol candy store...❈oh the possibilitlies are endless!

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