
I've Started A New Line!


Tired of your baby's shoulders getting food all over them when they eat? Not anymore! I've designed these bibs to keep those shoulders clean. I've made them a little longer as well. Flannel material rules when it comes to bibs. The patterns are adorable. There are two different patterns on each side with piping outlining them.

I'm also making flannel blankets. YES they look simple & there's not much too them, but they are the all you really need in the spring- summer & fall. (I love them in the winter too, but you may think you'll want something heavier) Someday I'll do a BIB- BURP-BlANKY SET.


Cherry Blossom Girl

How cute is this girl

I could never post tons of pictures of myself & my outfits on a blog- mostly because I live in sweats- but it's made her blog-amous! Did I mention she's french.


Elsa Vee Paul 7.7 lbs/ 20.5 inches long

Yeah for babies! Here's our newest jem. She had a rough start but she made it & she's perfect.

poor little gal- was brow first so she kept hitting my pelvic bone every time I contracted instead of moving down the birth canal- hours of labor ending in a c- section...

by the third day all of the swelling went down
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