our first project was the christmas banners. the one you see is actually chris' she sewed all the flags & i sewed the bias tape onto the top so that we would have proof that we did our first D.I.Y. project. i think kristin was the only one who finished hers (she called her husband to come over & sew it for her) i was too busy with the beehive bazaar stuff to finish mine. someday...
our second D.I.Y. project was super rad. we stole the idea from bleu bird vintage i fell in love with her wreath the minute i saw it & immediately thought we needed a D.I.Y. Club meeting in december after all.
i'm thinking the deers totally make the wreath. i got them from the top of the boxes of stephanie higginbotham's MOST delicious cupcakes at the beehive bazaar. ohhh how i crave those yummy's... you can get them year round in highland, utah at dear lizzies a boutique & a bistro- genius -who doesn't get hungry while shopping
other D.I.Y-ers
hoon & the cliff made one together. when they break up they'll time share it
amy finished hers the next day as did i- these wreaths were super labor intensive
i'll post pics of chris, tia & tosha's when they send me one
very cute.. love the idea!!!
Go go DIY. That was the best idea ever....even though I have lost sleep because of all these **projects!
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