
Pregnancy & All It's Rules

Why are there so many rules to follow when you're pregnant? I'm not going to lie- when I was 24 & I was pregnant with Kaleb {surprised & not ready} I thought I could eat whatever I wanted- soft cheeses, deli meats, cookie dough, caffeine - I didn't know I wasn't suppose to sleep on my back- I didn't know I was suppose to sleep on my left side- I had no idea you were suppose to stay away or do these things. Nor did I know you were suppose to make sure you had folic acid in your diet or vitamins. Luckily {haha} I ate poorly-ish enough that I new prenatal pills would help make me feel like I was getting some of the nutrition I was missing out on.... {**side note I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 3 months along & I promise I read books as soon as I knew & did as much as I could to redeem my poor eating habit ways}

Getting remarried in my 30's has really sped up the growth of my family. Seriously! Fast forward 10 years after Kaleb & just shy of a day I had Elsa- then 16 months later Ida & now I'm pregnant with my last child. I feel like I was way more ready for Elsa & Ida & -since I was trying to get pregnant. I read a lot about "The Rules" so I started taking prenatal vitamins before getting pregnant to make sure I got the folic acid I needed & I feel like I've been trying extra hard this last time around to eat more greens. So while I may still drink soda & I have had goat cheese on my pizza for the first time in 5 months last week- I"m definitely trying way harder these days to step it up & follow "The Rules" because let's face it as hard as it is to carry a child around for 9 months- it certainly is incredible when that little creature comes out & you feel you did the best you could to keep that baby healthy.

here are some helpful hints for all you new mamma's out there

p.s. we are pretty excited to have a baby choules-paul boy- except that I have no idea what to do with a boy anymore- It's been so long {13 years} We just hope he likes to dance party as much as kaleb & the girls do....

* images from we ❤ it

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ha! i still don't know all the rules and i'm on #3.

and, i sleep on my back and probably my left side all the time... is that bad?

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